Title : "Please Make Us Human"
Genres : Fantasy television, Fantasy, Anime, Animation, Action,Comedy, Adventure Film, Action Film
Anime Re-upload | Maouyuu Maou Yuusha Eps. 2 Sub. Indonesia Re-Upload | After teleporting to the Human Realm, the Queen and Hero arrive at a small farming village called Winter Pass, settling at a villa with the help of her most trusted servant, Head Maid. To stall time for the war, rumors are spread that the Hero and Demon King fought and are recuperating their wounds. Thanks to Head Maid, the Queen is given a cover identity as a human noblewoman known as Crimson Scholar. The Crimson Scholar plans to convince the village elder to adopt a four-field crop rotation system to increase production but is unable to convince him. Later that night, they hear a commotion at the stables just to find two young sisters hiding in there, fleeing from a life of serfdom. Hero wishes to help them but Head Maid refuses as she scorns them at first as they are no different than insects who can't control their own lives. The sisters ask Head Maid to teach them to act like humans so they can learn, which she accepts and takes them under her care as she needs help at the villa. As the sisters are given an education by the Scholar, she also teaches the sons of a Noble, a Warrior and a Merchant about the war's effects on society, hoping to change their views on it. Thanks to her classes, the Scholar is able to get another meeting with village elder, whom she plans to win over with a secret weapon.
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